
For many of us our fitness is a crucial key to being able to fish places others cannot. I have always tried to remain fit enough to find and go to those exact places. Much of my angling success is directly attributable to my continued level of fitness. My hope is this portion of my blog will help readers attain their fitness goals.

I considered my metabolic rate to be higher than other people’s because my weight remained mostly controlled not matter what I ate. As I have grown older, and my body has gone through natural changes, the weight has been harder to shed. My exercise routines suffer because of health issues, (I have told myself), and I have gained fat in place of lean muscle. Very disturbing!

The changes kind of sneaked up on me before I could take notice. My every day routines at work blinded the fact my body was retaining fat, and I just ignored it until I noticed an ebb in my stamina when hiking in and out of a favorite Chinook salmon fishing honey hole. At that time I just blamed age as the culprit, and continued my everyday lifestyle, but the weight kept increasing, and stamina decreasing. Acceptance came hard. The next step was a look at my nutrition, and modify my daily needs.

I will post articles I find enthusiastic and genuinely helpful on this page. There doesn’t seem to be any big “Secret” diets, or pills, or patches, or whatever else is being advertised currently that makes up for common sense in the everyday diet to maintain weight and strength. So just keep tuned in here for a healthy life to come.

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